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Evan is our lead designer at Quagga.  He is originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan.  As a son of an art teacher and a structual engineer, Evan naturally fell into a career as an Industrial Designer.  Evan attended Kendall College of Art and Design in his home town.  After Graduation he accepted a footwear design role with a large footwear brand located in Boston.  After a year he decided he wanted to do more with his career and left to start his own line.  He met John and they decided to share ideas and eventually decided to start Quagga.



John is our Chief Animal Lover at Quagga.  

He was born in South Korea, but was raised in New Zealand and Canada from when he was 8. 

Having grown up in two of the world's most beautiful countries, he naturally grew his love for the outdoors.

He graduated from the Schulich School of Business, at York Univ in Toronto, with major in international business.

Upon graduation, he worked at an American investment bank for a few years, until he left and decided to start Quagga.  


In his free time, John likes to pretend he's a dog and play with kuro (his dog), read books, and eat Kettle chips.

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