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Apparently tigers, the very animals we grew up with, have lost over 97% of its population in the past century.

It's mostly due to illegal poaching for their fur, meat, and even bones used primarily in traditional Chinese medicines. 


When we learned about this, we really wanted to do something about it. 

 We thought it'd be really cool if you could in some way contribute to a cause, 

by simply purchasing an awesome product. 


The idea for Quagga was born. 















Live quagga at London Zoo, 1870




It's a name of a half-zebra, half-horse animal that roamed the South African prairies in millions only about a hundred years ago. Then due to overhunting and loss of habitat, they have gone extinct. The last Quagga was seen in 1883. 

They have since been lost from everyone's memory.  


We named ourselves quagga to remind the World just how easily a species can be erased. 

With your help, perhaps we can even prevent more animals from walking the same path to extinction. 

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